Dave Ellefson (Megadeth, F5)


Jan 22, 2007
This Weekend on Maximum Threshold: Dave Ellefson (Megadeth, F5)

Wow, this show on Saturday night (11/3) is starting to shape up and we will have current F5 bassist and former Megadeth bassist Dave Ellefson.

We ask that if you are a fan of Dave's work that you check out this live interview on the Maximum Threshold Radio Show this Saturday night. He should be on around 11pm EST Saturday night. To chat with him and ask him questions you need to be registered on the site (http://maximumthreshold.net) and meet us in the MT chatroom. The show is completely uncensored and anything goes. We hope to see you there and bring your friends to the website to have the sign up.

Any questions just shoot me an email at dom@maximumthreshold.net

F5 is awful...
There are no redeeming qualities about that band...
Dave's a good bass player, he should really do something in the classic rock realm than trying to be member of a hip and current sounding band...

i kinda like F5, ellefson has said though the new album will sound different
I heard a band called F5 long ago before Dave left Megadeth. Wonder if is the same band, was kind of weird prog/power with female vocals if I recall correctly.
I heard a band called F5 long ago before Dave left Megadeth. Wonder if is the same band, was kind of weird prog/power with female vocals if I recall correctly.

nope not even close to the same band.
ellefson's F5 is nu metal/modern radio hard rock with a guy singing
ellefson's F5 is nu metal/modern radio hard rock with a guy singing


And I thought that Megadeth without him was not the real thing. As bad as anyone can think regarding the last Megadeth records it has to beat that stuff.

And I thought that Megadeth without him was not the real thing. As bad as anyone can think regarding the last Megadeth records it has to beat that stuff.

i though both megadth album without him are great
i though both megadth album without him are great
Anything Megadeth between RIP and UA I really struggle with. I'm going to see Megadeth in a couple of days and I'm really looking forward to it but I hope they stick to an old school theme as UA is kinda like where RIP left off. I've been watching the arsenal of megadeth dvd a bit but the only songs I really like from the "commercial" period is Symphony of Destruction, Toute Le Monde, Train of Consequences and Reckoning Day. The rest of that period featured just sounds bland and un-inspired to my ears. eg Skin of My Teeth just makes me think of a happy version of Liar with his vocal phrasings. I'm open to other opinions that might help me look at the songs in another light. ...
Wha? Megadeth did good stuff after RiP. Countdown was pretty good. Youthanasia was a lot of filler, but it had a couple of killer tracks. I liked The System Has Failed too. The last one was shitty though. They've been inconsistent, but at leat he has the ability to change shit up.
Countdown is one of my all time favorite heavy metal recordings. I only have it on the cassette I bought way back and it no longer plays evenly, I need to get it on CD. Symphony of Destruction is an excellent tune but as for Skin of my Teeth and High Speed Dirt... they are just kick ass metal songs with a touch of boogie on the side. They contain some of my all time favorite guitar riffs, great lyrics, ect. I cant imagine anyone not likeing Countdown. I have one of the newer CD's down in my shop and be damned if I know the name of it... it might be "The System Has Failed" it kinda political. I have played it probably 4 times and its no where near the piece of work that Countdown was. Its good but Countdown was GREAT!
Anything Megadeth between RIP and UA I really struggle with. I'm going to see Megadeth in a couple of days and I'm really looking forward to it but I hope they stick to an old school theme as UA is kinda like where RIP left off. I've been watching the arsenal of megadeth dvd a bit but the only songs I really like from the "commercial" period is Symphony of Destruction, Toute Le Monde, Train of Consequences and Reckoning Day. The rest of that period featured just sounds bland and un-inspired to my ears. eg Skin of My Teeth just makes me think of a happy version of Liar with his vocal phrasings. I'm open to other opinions that might help me look at the songs in another light. ...

Wow. Were you one of the people I witnessed bearing a metallica shirt at that show? You don't like something because of a supposed commercial edge? Who said it was commercial? What defines commercial? You put quotations there but your opinion seems to be influenced by that supposed concept.
You don't like something because of a supposed commercial edge? Who said it was commercial? What defines commercial? You put quotations there but your opinion seems to be influenced by that supposed concept.

I used "commercial" in quotations because Countdown was not really a thrash album, yes it was heavy metal but i can't call it thrash. Just because I didnt like that period doesnt mean I have a problem with anyone else liking it, infact I was asking for someone to open my eyes to elements of worthiness I may have missed in my original and more recent observations of this material.

I certainly have no intetions of debating what is commercial and what is not but there is no denying Dave had stepped off the thrash throttle and aimed to keep his record sales high without compromising his artistic integrity during that period, hence my quotation marks. I would assume most would agree that period wasn't thrash metal and thats why I said it, it was just an old thrashers opinion. I
merely said I wanted to hear old stuff and I got my wish.
Wow. Were you one of the people I witnessed bearing a metallica shirt at that show?
I'm not sure what people in Metallica shirts have to do with anything... care to enlighten us? As far as my choice of concert apparel goes it was a
sleeveless Kreator shirt, faded tight black jeans, black boots - I also have long black hair. I spent most of the night right near the bar, drinking ridiculous amounts of beer and JDs.

I was far to drunk to remember the setlist myself but I found it posted elsewhere, it rocked, RIP tour was obviously better because I was young and
"everything" is more exciting then, nor did I have a mobile phone to lose back then :yell::mad:

Take No Prisoners
In My Darkest Hour
Gears Of War
Wake Up Dead
A Tout Le Monde (with Scabia!!!)
Washington Is Next
Hangar 18
Tornado of Souls
Ashes In Your Mouth
Symphony Of Destruction
Peace Sells

Burnt Ice
Holy Wars..The Punishment Due/Mechanix

Countdown is one of my all time favorite heavy metal recordings. I only have it on the cassette I bought way back and it no longer plays evenly, I need to get it on CD. Symphony of Destruction is an excellent tune but as for Skin of my Teeth and High Speed Dirt... they are just kick ass metal songs with a touch of boogie on the side. They contain some of my all time favorite guitar riffs, great lyrics, ect. I cant imagine anyone not likeing Countdown. I have one of the newer CD's down in my shop and be damned if I know the name of it... it might be "The System Has Failed" it kinda political. I have played it probably 4 times and its no where near the piece of work that Countdown was. Its good but Countdown was GREAT!

totally agree dude. countdown is their best in my opinion.

i also enjoy system has failed. i didnt like it at first but now its killer!:kickass: