DAVE GROHL Says His Daughter Was 'Terrified' When DONALD TRUMP Was Elected President


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
In a brand new interview with Switzerland's SRF 3, FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl spoke of the role that music plays in nurturing a sense of hope, healing and community in the midst of the turmoil surrounding Donald Trump's presidency. "The world is so divided now — more so than I can remember ever in my life," he said (see video below). "So you spend all day long looking at the news and reading the news and hearing about how this country is being torn apart, or our country is being torn apart, or this religion is fighting this religion, or there's this war, and there's that war. And then you come to a FOO FIGHTERS show and then you get, like, seventy thousand people singing along to the same song. I honestly think that music can do that." According to Grohl, criticism of Trump's extremist rhetoric by musicians and Hollywood stars only serves to embolden and fuel his base. "I think that for years maybe they felt like the minority and now all of a sudden there's a voice that they can sort of attach themselves to, and the more pushback they get from that, it's like the stronger they feel in a lot of ways," Grohl explained. "So all you can do is fight the good fight every day when you wake up and try to be a good person and treat everybody with respect." Asked how he, as a responsible parent, talks with his kids about the often inflammatory behavior we see from the president on a daily basis, Grohl said: "I remember the night of the election, I had to sit down and have a talk with my daughter. She was terrified, man. And I basically told her what I'd just told you. I was, like, 'You can't give up hope. You just have to fight the good fight. And the things you believe in… You have to stand up and represent the things that you actually believe in.' That's what everybody should do. But I think it's hard for a kid to understand that." FOO FIGHTERS' new album, "Concrete And Gold", moved 127,000 equivalent album units in first week of release to debut at position No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart. Of that sum, 120,000 were in traditional album sales, which also makes the effort the top-selling album of the week.

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