Dave Lombardo Fired From Slayer?!

Sounds to me like the other members squeezed the drummer out. Some funny business going on there financially for sure.
Jeff's not able to play yet, now dave fired...it seems kerry is the man behind the financial side of the band. Tom only agrees.

All I've read sounds really fishy.
Typical musician idiocy: if you don't care about your financials for a year, don't be surprised to see that you've been fucked over. Especially with a band like Slayer who makes big bucks.

Since Kerry and Jeff are the main songwriters, Tom and Dave won't see much money from that side either.
This is all blown out of proportion. He wasn't "fired", he's been replaced for the Aussie shows. Slayer should call it a day. I will not buy the new album if there's no input from Hanneman. No Hanneman = No Slayer. And for the record, Bostaph suited Slayer better. Ferocious drummer.
Yeah I guess Hanneman is still recovering huh?

Jeez.....this is shitty news. I like me some Slayer, but I also agree that they should call it a day.
Everyone still needs to consider that this might be totally fabricated by Lombardo and might not even be true! As far as we know Lombardo might have had totally unreasonable demands and they didn't want to go with that.
Everyone still needs to consider that this might be totally fabricated by Lombardo and might not even be true! As far as we know Lombardo might have had totally unreasonable demands and they didn't want to go with that.

can't say for sure but having hung out with Dave a couple times in a non music capacity I can say that guy is about as stand up a dude as you could ever want to meet

that being the case I just can't see him bullshitting about any of this. While true he probably should have been a bit more involved with his finances (or lack of) during the time in question, fact is I peg him as the guy that trusted his bandmates to do right by him because he wouldn't do that to them

Araya is probably just in a weird spot and doesn't know what to say which is why he's keeping quiet or you never know, he might have signed that gag order requirement Dave mentioned.

Jeff doesn't give a fuck anymore I think. He's probably thrilled with the time off and not having to deal with Kerry and everything
can't say for sure but having hung out with Dave a couple times in a non music capacity I can say that guy is about as stand up a dude as you could ever want to meet

that being the case I just can't see him bullshitting about any of this. While true he probably should have been a bit more involved with his finances (or lack of) during the time in question, fact is I peg him as the guy that trusted his bandmates to do right by him because he wouldn't do that to them

Araya is probably just in a weird spot and doesn't know what to say which is why he's keeping quiet or you never know, he might have signed that gag order requirement Dave mentioned.

Jeff doesn't give a fuck anymore I think. He's probably thrilled with the time off and not having to deal with Kerry and everything

Might be. I doubt it though. If I've learned one thing in the last 20 years then it's that nothing is ever simple and usually everyone is to blame.

Why is it that everyone's bashing Kerry King all of a sudden? When did he become the band-asshole?
I wonder what changes he was suggesting to save money. Most of the management stuff is written in stone (lots of band managers require lifetime contracts). They probably pay 15% of everything to management, 10% of guarantees to the booking agent, then the salaries for the tour manager, FOH, lighting, monitors(?), merch and whatever techs they have (I'd assume two at least). They are probably touring with 2 busses and staying in hotels too. The overhead is just tremendous and you're knocking 1/4 off the top for management that isn't there.
I wonder what changes he was suggesting to save money. Most of the management stuff is written in stone (lots of band managers require lifetime contracts). They probably pay 15% of everything to management, 10% of guarantees to the booking agent, then the salaries for the tour manager, FOH, lighting, monitors(?), merch and whatever techs they have (I'd assume two at least). They are probably touring with 2 busses and staying in hotels too. The overhead is just tremendous and you're knocking 1/4 off the top for management that isn't there.

This. Having seen the set from the Mayhem festival last year, what with pyrotechnic marshall cabs arranged in an upside down cross , a burning eagle slayerthingy and Lombardo's drum riser alone, you're looking at an entire crew, I'd surmise not only who works with Mayhem, but is provided by contract by whomever their management team deems fit, made to load their shit up and put on the show. Those dudes gotta get paid somehow. Money gets thrown at shit for just being there, I mean 10% to the booking agent? Is that total sales from merch, door and tickets? Because fuck you, I'm in the wrong profession. I can pay bills and operate remote video cameras and shit from my phone while drunk and taking a dump, fuck yeah I can book some shows. TMs, FOH guy and lights are a given, they literally bust their asses and probably would take a huge slice of the income pie, but like stated above, it's probably salary. Administered by management, with of course, a big ass finders fee for them sticking you in a venue with two mains and a board. Fuck those guys, it's like you can't even support a band without violating some regulation that would seriously hurt them as a group financially, all so some sleazeball can make a call to a very fucking important member of the cash cow he's trying to sell and kick him off because "We can find a new drummer". If that sleazeball happens to be King in this instance, sorry but not sorry. I paid for Slayer when they came round, the novelty of the original lineup is well worth the extra dime. If the fact remains that the bills ain't getting paid and the lights are coming off at the end of the month because pockets aren't getting lined thick enough, it's time to get a desk job. And not any SSL desk.

Money? Are you fucking serious? This is a business, but your business is also a novelty. Give the fans what they want.
Because fuck you, I'm in the wrong profession. I can pay bills and operate remote video cameras and shit from my phone while drunk and taking a dump, fuck yeah I can book some shows.

Dude, everyone knows the money in music atm is in promoting/booking. If you're any good at it you can make a shitload of cash.
If Kerry King has a sneaky deal with FOH or road crew and managers he could have them getting paid extra on paper but recoup some of that money back in secret. Then call it an expense even though some of that 90% "expense" is coming back to him. Or maybe it is true and it somehow costs them 90% of profits to operate, but that just doesn't sound even close to correct. If that was the case though getting a replacement drummer who already has his flights booked and is appearing at the soundwave festival already is a huge money saver....one less hotel room, flights etc. how much extra is the replacement getting paid per set do you think? If it was me I'd practically do it for free, sounds like fun
I don't have a single clue what a Slayer stage looks like these days and how they travel, but realistic (I've chosen a normal "upper end", but not Metallica-lifetime-crewmember, salaries) daily figures are this:

Tour Manager: $500
Sound Tech: $300
Monitor Tech: $200
Light Tech: $300
Guitar Tech: $200
Bass Tech: $200
Drum Tech: $200
Stage Manager: $200
Merchandiser: 3 x $100 = $300
Tourbus: 2 x $1500 = $3000
Busdriver: $250
Geartruck: $500
Daily Gas: $1000
Truckdriver: $250
Assistant: $100
Equipment Rental: $1000

I think they actually pay 1/3rd less on individual salaries (as a "discount" for booking the crew for a bunch of shows in a row), but this gets you a total daily cost of $8500 (not counting money for per diems etc.).

Assuming a low-end income of only $20000 per show (I actually think Slayer is more in the $50-80000 range, but let's keep it low for now), we get these deductions:

Booking Agent 10%: $2000
Roadcosts (see above): $8500

Leaves us with $9500 for the band.

Take away 20% ($1900) for management and we are at $7600.

And that's for a show with a very low income. Since Slayer are a mainstay and strong draw (at least here in Europe), they probably use a 80/20 door deal which means if 3000 people show up for $30 (=$90000) and the promoter's costs for the venue etc. are around $20000 (which brings the net to $70000) they make $56000 PLUS merchandise income (probably another $5-10000 per show).

EDIT: Don't forget buy-on fees of $1000-$5000 per show by support bands.

What I'm trying to illustrate here is that the crew salaries and travel are no big costs for a band like Slayer. No way they "lose" 90% of the money they make on tour.