Dave Mustane is god!

Yes, he is God, only God could have written Holy Wars. Its just.....a masterpiece. :) I want to try that coffee too, God must make a mean cup of coffee.
i think we can agree that he's part of the speed metal trinity. that just leaves one more... yngwie malmsteen? or perhaps steve harris?
Silence Zehm! haha. Alot of annihilator's stuff is an aquired taste, but you just can't deny Jeff Waters' brilliance. Even if an Annihilator song isn't as good as others, I'd still love his guitar work.

As for Mustaine, he is an absolute Legend and such an awesome guy. All the Megadeth band and crew are.
what was it like to bask in the radiance of mustaine's glory? tell us oll. oh please, do tell us! (said with storybook brittish english accent)
you sir, can suck a large black cock. he's not my favorite guitarist, but as far as i know, he's the best. and don't even try to pull shawn lane on this one. just because you can do 21 nps doesn't make you best. just fastest.
hes still good! just because he doesnt write the same memorable tunes doesnt mean he cant shred anymore. :)