as much as he was pussywhipped by his wife in her band, Vincent is a hell of a presence on stage. was fortunate enough to see them on the Blessed tour and the man is an intimidating figure live ... but then again, he wore panyhose for most of the last decade so you never know. will be interesting to see how this develops.
Saw them on the Domination tour and yes, Vincent has one of the most towering stage presences'z's'ze'sxw's I've ever seen.

I will look forward to the I-album a wee bit more now. :kickass:
that South American tour will be nuts ... those kids will go completely apeshit
I'm considering going to Mexico just for that. And the hourly wenches as well, of course. :loco:
lurch70 said:
that South American tour will be nuts ... those kids will go completely apeshit
Yeah you gotta hand it to the South Americans for their enthusiasm. They fucking go nuts, bringing their own trumpets and flags and shit, heh.

Average North American attendee at a metal gig = stand rigid, fold your arms, stare into deep space, fall asleep whilst standing, fart, sip from bottle of Bud Light, look annoyingly towards mosh pit headed your way, yawn, scratch nuts, applaud act, leave in a hurry to beat the traffic.
I'm considering going to Mexico just for that. And the hourly wenches as well, of course. :loco:
you drove 6 hours for HOM, this could not be much more ... although I am not sure where the fuck Monterrey is

hourly wenches are too much work, here in NY we have 15 minute Mexican/South American wenches. 15 minutes could be a problem though when you are sloshed at the end of the night and it takes as long just to find your wiener.
Monterrey looks like about 700 miles from the border, my white ass is not not willing to venture that far down.

15 minutes drunk is about how long it takes me to get half to 3/4 mast (depending on how much scotch was consumed that night). 15 minutes sober, I could do it at LEAST 3 times in that time period! :loco:
This is absolutely FUCKING GAY.

Vincent has been doing more than wearing pantyhose (cue somebody to ressurect the Mordid Angel thread with the hideous photos of that fucking poser. There have even been pics of him doing "things" with a dildo...

I don't care if it was for his wife's band or not.... the fact that Trey is going to throw a shitstain on the canvas at this point just disappoints me.

Tucker's vocals are WAY better live.

Oh well.... I just won't be able to take them too seriously anymore.

I knew PJ would be upset with this. :Spin:

The unfortunate thing is I think Tucker had finally really hit his stride with the band, Formulas he was adequate, Gateways he did pretty good, but Heretic he was just AWESOME. Oh well, as long as they are on good terms and such, that's cool.
C'mon, if you really read Tucker's statement, it sounds an awful lot like Ripper's when Priest pulled those shenanigans..

And Heretic didn't sell very well and they didn't tour near as much as they did for previous albums.

I smell $$$$
that may very well be true, this definetelly sounds like something well coordinated ... but I still say that Vincent is welcome back in my book.
Lookout! It's Stagemonster!

I hope they stay together, provided Vincent sounds as good as he did in '95. Best. Deathmetalshow. EVAR.