day 2...


Pick me Pick me!!!!
Jan 1, 2003
south of Holland
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I quit smoking yestedag, after 13 years of smoking loads and loads (25 ciggies a day)
Is there anyone out there who is quitting too at the moment????
And does anyone have tips how to survive the first days, months, years, whatever.....
Fucking hell, this is hard...
Lately I've been thinking of quitting, if that counts :D No actually I've cut down smoking pretty well. It left me little choice once my heart started going bu-b-bbb-bu-bbuu-buuuuum and my lungs begged for mercy. But still I smoke some. God I'm stupid :cry:

I'm proud of you and wish you strength! :kickass:
Charlotte1977 said:
I quit smoking yestedag, after 13 years of smoking loads and loads (25 ciggies a day)
Is there anyone out there who is quitting too at the moment????
And does anyone have tips how to survive the first days, months, years, whatever.....
Fucking hell, this is hard...
I quit something like 4 years ago. Just didn't feel like smoking. Then 2 years later I started again. It was supposed to be just one smoke as a joke but that wasn't to be. Now it's getting better as this summer I'm only smoked on weekends when drunk. But I'm quite sure I start to smoke on daily basis again.

This doesn't help at all. :erk:
anyway, if its too hard, u can try those medical helping things.. and find the reason why you smoke(d) and do something about it.
(and if i remember well, dunc has just quit, eh?)
I was supposed to quit smoking again today but i failed, it's not the right moment ... I stopped smoking for two months last january but began again in March for some reason.
just imagine how it would feel not to smoke on day 3, you'd feel better on 4, try jogging on 5, stick a lollypop in yer face on day 6, and grant yerself a proper shag cig on day 7. do it all over again.

:D good luck Lot! :hotjump:
Allright, it s now 13:30 and i feel like shit!!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH
I didnt sleep well last night (they say its a part of quitting smoking) and i am at work all a-fucking-lone, feeling very very tired
This is really getting on my nerves, im cold, hot, shaking.......
