DAY OFF: A 12-step program


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
Step 1: Wake up without alarm clock
Step 2: Turn on stereo loud
Step 3: Make coffee in French Press (godly)
Step 4: Bottle beer
Step 5: Turn up stereo
Step 6: Brew new batch of beer
Step 7: Buy small country on eBay
Step 8: Realize credit has been violently revoked
Step 9: Move to Barbados
Step 10: Make coffee in French Press, which is now my sole possession
Step 11: Look for work as cabana boy
Step 12: Hunt wild boar with pointy stick (fruitlessly)
-Wake up
-Turn stereo on with Neurosis
-Read a dozen pages of Nabokov
-Breakfast: Toasted bagette with Camember, fresh mozzarella, and homemade Jam (thanks Mom!) with good dark roast in regular coffee maker (I killed my stove-top expresso maker the other week by forgetting it on the stove ... the poor thing). While finishing New Yorker
-Preparing Fantasy Football draft (if anyone wants to join in PM me, we have plenty of space in the league)
-Planning Oktoberfest festivities
-Checking UM
-Will soon go back to Nabokov
deadair said:
...but you still have a computer.
day's not over yet. still working on #6.

and yeah, if your french press coffee isn't tasting as good as restaurant coffee or better, there's something wrong. it's totally tops. make sure you use fresh ground coffee. buy a grinder if you don't have one.
mindspell, what Nabokov did you go with...Lolita?

did you check out the article on Futurist cuisine in the New Yorker? I read it while I breakfasted today (on crepes and lattes, in fact) and the way the Futurists consciously tried to create a new "flavor set" reminded me a little of the project we had talked about on LJ before.

regarding the french press, i'm doing it exactly as described on a dozen or more internet websites. it's too weak.
I was reading that exact article yesterday morning. Yeah, it was similar to the discussion you started back then.

I went with Lolita. The first 50 pages was a challenge to my own moral fabric to say the least. It is so well written that I would be: "Woh! That's arousing!" and then "Goddamn pedophile! Get back to earth!"

Stovetop expresso makers are the shiznit, french press is crap.
french press is most certainly NOT CRAP.

we got a duplicate one as a gift, and i'm considering keeping one at work. i'll just get in, grind my own beans, boil some water on one of the hotter copiers, and french press my way to colombian bliss.

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