DBX160A or Waves plugin?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

This question may sound stupid but it makes sense in my case. Firstly, I've always mixed ITB. Then, plugins offer more possibilities such as storing presets, loading tons of instances, etc. So, is Waves DBX160 plugin is good enough or does the real thing really make a big difference, is drastically better?
I've never used the Waves plugin 160, but it was modeled on the original dbx 160 from the late 1970s, which distorts a lot more than the currently available 160a, which is pretty clean. So just based on that, I'd assume that they sound pretty different and you'd be best served choosing based on the application and what type of coloration you're looking for.
Thanks for your input. I've heard pretty convincing audio clips with dbx160 hardware on snare and kick. I liked the results a lot so I have this application in mind first tbh but I don't know which model was used. Waves dbx160 is currently $79 and I can buy a used one (hardware) for around $250 that's why I'm interested in opinions especially from guys who are using the hardware unit and tried the emulation.
If you were going to be using it post preamp on the way into the box on like vocals or bass then I would def recommend the hardware. The waves one sounds good and has all the normal advantages of being a plugin. I believe tedtan is correct that the waves emulates the original more desirable 160. I own a modified 160x that sounds great for chomping down on things a bit on the way in and I'm a big advocate of doing that, but for general mixing the vst might be the better choice.
I've heard pretty convincing audio clips with dbx160 hardware on snare and kick. I liked the results a lot so I have this application in mind first tbh but I don't know which model was used.

Try the Waves demo and see how close it gets you to where you want to be. They'll both sound good, it's just a matter of taste/personal preference which one you want to go with.

Like Maniccompression said, I like to track through hardware and mix with plugins for workflow reasons. Are you planning on using the hardware while tracking or mixing?
Thank you guys. I tried the Waves demo and it sounds good. I like it! I was curious to try the hardware but it was not possible at the moment. Sooooo I bought the Waves dbx as it's mainly for mixing duties indeed :)
The DBX 160a is a totally different circuit than the one that Waves is emulating and sound quite a bit different. The DBX 160 they are emulating is commonly known as the DBX 160VU. Why they use the same number for a different circuit? Your guess is as good as mine, but probably for marketing reasons alone.
FWIW I demoed the waves this week and didn't feel like it was as magical as the 160vu's I've actually used in the studio. I doubt I'll snag it.
Yeah, I have no doubt about that the real thing being better than the emulation but I've never mixed with such gear so I cannot compare. I just liked what I heard from the plugin so far and, to be perfectly honest, I could not get better results with the hardware with my actual skills. I need to be a good mixer first ;)