DC++ Lossless Metal Bootlegs Hub!


May 14, 2004
In accordance with the Metal Bootleg Database Forums & Web Pages I have installed a DC++ hub that anyone can go on. So if you are an online trader and would like to trade through DC++ lossless bootlegs, then come check us out!

Rules for hub:

Hub Rules:

1) Share Min. 2 gb
2) Share LOSSLESS (WAV, APE, FLAC, or SHN) format bootlegs only.
3) Share Bootleg VCD's, DVD's and audio only.
4) Min. 2 slots
5) Max. 6 hubs connected at once with 2 slots to a hub.
6) NO MP3'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) NO PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8) Organize your files please.

Things allowed in the hub:

1) LOSSLESS audio bootlegs (This includes WAV, SHN, FLAC and APE formats ONLY)

2) Bootlegs video clips in MPEG, AVI, MPG, WMV, ASF, DiVX, m2v and any other video format.

3) Bootleg full length VCD videos in MPEG, MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV, DiVX, m2v or any other video formats.

4) Out of print VCD/DVDs. This includes anything that can now be deemed as a bootleg "sorta" The videos can be out of print, or discontinued ETC. Although these boot will be allowed it is really not recommended.

5) Bootleg DVD's: All DVD's MUST be presented in WinRAR format ONLY! No VOB files! They are way too large and if once a person downloads them they are no right then the person would have to delete them and start all over. Big pain in the ass to get a DVD. In WinRAR format the DVD's can be done in "parts" instead. If one RAR part is not working correctly then the person can just download that one part and won't be downloading until the cows come home ona huge VOB file. When you zip a DVD into RAR format use the Storage method on your program. It makes the zipping go alot faster.

6) Your lists, or a text file with the link to your online lists.

Things That Are NOT Allowed in the LOSSLESS Hub:

1) mp3's of any kind! This includes a once mp3 that has been made into a WAV file or any other LOSSLESS file. If it was a mp3 once, it will not be allowed in the hub. Please make sure to include a analysis of each bootelg you share for comparison.

2) Official material of any kind! This includes videos, video clips, video VCDS, DVD's, albums, lossless albums, movies, movies clips, programs, games, and anything else that is NOT a bootleg.

Check it out!


I'd love to check it out but I dont have 5 gbs of bootlegs and if I did I would never want to edit my share folders. I feel that others have my same view.
segaszivos said:
I'd love to check it out but I dont have 5 gbs of bootlegs and if I did I would never want to edit my share folders. I feel that others have my same view.

Its been dropped to 2gb min to get in. I forgot to edit this post after I dropped about a week ago. As for editing your share folders, I'm not sure I know what you mean. If you mean that you have official stuff, mp3's, tv shows, movies, games etc in your share then yes you would not be able to get into the hub with those things. It kinda defeats the purpose of a bootleg hub. As for mp3's they suck. So we don't share them in there.