ddrum Trigger question

Apr 20, 2006
I haven't found a clear answer for this.

I'm using drumagog to replace my drummers kick sound. Right now I'm running a mic from the kick to a preamp and then using drumagog after the fact.

What I would like to do is get a ddrum kick trigger and run that into the preamp and record that and then use drumagog to play the sample.

If I run the ddrum trigger into a preamp will I get a "click" sound or anything recordable that I could use for drumagog?
yes put the trigger out into a preamp and record the trigger sound, the trigger produce a clicky sound, and this is good becouse drumagog will trigger that click sound great without any problem..... ( the sound of triggers are very clean )
Anyone ever bought a cheap ass pre-amp just to adat to my main rig and plug the DDrum triggers into? I was thinking about doing this recently. Good idea or bad idea? Any reccomendations on a unit to do this?
the ones ive used have been awful,
we're well sessioned, but i find the ddrums have a cleaner signal