Dead Architect - Hardcore/Grind/Black Metal

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Sep 12, 2012
Introducing Dead Architect from Sydney,Australia who will be releasing their debut record "JFK-LHR" on East Olso Death Choir label from Norway.

This song was self recorded, mixed and mastered by the band in a DIY style.

Comments/Criticism welcome

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What stands out to me the most are the imbalances. The snare's overall tone is very distracting even for death metal. The vocals are buried by the guitars. The cymbals are too loud and sound harsh. The guitar tone I guess for death metal sounds's pretty raw so if that's what your going for I guess the snare sound makes sense in this context (though imo it still sounds really distracting).
Cheers mate. Lesson learnt with recording drums. Have more time to set up and check the mics and tones. The drums were recorded in a rehearsal space in 2 hours for 8 songs. Guitar tones could be better. We will work on this by allowing more time next recording.
Guitars sound almost like white noise with bass boost through guitar amp. Really disliking tone, it's main dealibraker.

Cheers for the honest feedback.
Guitars were thru clean channel of amps: 2 tracks Boss HM-2 and 2 tracks Boss Metal Zone thru a Mesa Cab with Audix I5 and SM-57
"Bass" track was ocatve pedal into ODB-3 into Ampeg Bass Head and Cab miked with Heil Pr 40.

What suggestions would you make for recording guitars next time?
How would you approach the "bass track"?
Dead Architect are in Drop A.