Dead End Kidz - Unfinished Business

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Dead End Kidz – Unfinished Business
2007 - Self Produced
By Adam McAuley


So, rock oriented music with a slight Southern flavor is what’s on display here and the band perform the style somewhat well. They offer a wholesome collection of catchy type songs that fall within a narrow category of absorbable rock. They have some commercial potential as well, but aren't completely mindless musicians either.

The second track of the work is a standout because it has a nice opening that converges into a diluted frequency of beats and similarly early moments of the album show promise, but the entire disc doesn’t carry enough of velocity for the Dead End Kidz to rise above a dry dead end at times as their name might imply. They have enough of an overall groove at times to become enjoyable, but not enough memorable moments to completely enrapture you as a more intricate rock outfit might be capable of handling. Dead End Kidz have a manner of vocally capturing your attention with a lead front person that has the tendency to talk as much as he does sing. We can thus sense a slightly more deliberate take on the rock genre than what may be seen by the careless songwriting of other bands in the genre. This creates a rhythmically simple nature for the songs to converge upon overall. The rhythms of the songs are slow and carefully crafted allowing them to weave their only moderately enjoyable rhythms around you.

If the band threw in a bit more technicality into the mix, we might be left with a progressive platter that shows interesting development, but as it is they maintain their relatively narrow musical views and as such this isn’t an all around quality listen, but is held back because of tedious natures.

Official Dead End Kiz MySpace