dead eyed stare feature

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Dead Eyed Stare ( ) wishes you were dead. As of late this up and coming band has been under local spotlight drawing all the death and grind fans, and as they go from venue to venue they leave a trail of bloodied corpses. And it really comes as no surprise, their aggressive brand of death metal and grind core leave people with their jaws on the floor. This Stockton based group consists of:
Bert: vocals
Zac: bass/vocals
Fred: guitar/vocals
Tim: drums

The band itself has changed and matured over the past year both musically and within the band. On their first demo EP “Murder Everyone”, they have a very thrash oriented sound with core style breakdowns and the beginnings of their death metal style. Since the changes they have gotten faster and more intense creating a very brutal and very moshable sound. A prime example of this is the song “Gutted Bitch Lies Died” ( ) which is to be released on their forthcoming CD entitled “DeadEyedStare Wishes You Were Dead”. Touching on such topics as murdering little school girls and death in general in they create a very aggressive and violent atmosphere which riles the crowd into frenzy. And while they have serious and aggressive lyrics, they still take some time to make the crowd laugh and show their light hearted side with songs like “MyMe Sucks”.

Dead Eyed Stare is jumping to the forefront of the Northern California metal scene and they are simply not a band to be missed. They are great musicians who put on an incredibly good show. So go see them and be prepared to mosh, because when you’re at a DES show, no one stands still.
