Dead Silent Slumber: Entombed in the Midnight Hour


Metal Lord
Jun 19, 2002
Laurel, MD USA
Dead Silent Slumber released Entombed In The Midnight Hour in 1999 on
Hammerheart. The album was recorded at Ballerina Audio in Sweden
with Nils Johansson behind the knobs. This is a one man project by
Jens Ryden of Naglfar. Jens does virtually all the vocals, guitars,
bass, synthesizers and programming. There are other small
contributors to certain songs, but it's not worth mentioning. The
album is 7 songs and 39-minutes in duration.

The album opens with In The Glare Of The Moon and it's riff and
melody guitar attack with use of synth for atmosphere. The vocals
are of the harsh blackened scream variety, but blend well with the
atmosphere of the music, which is neither super-fast, nor slow.
Reborn By The Seed Of Death begins with the metal elements and
magical use of keyboards before adding the vocals, excellent song.
Smell The Incense is dark and heavy. Entombed In The Midnight Hour
is pure atmosphere without any harsh or aggressive element really.
It's mostly a haunting piece that is more dark then metal with female
vocals and cello, would make a nice piece for a Dracula or Werewolf
movie. Blood Collapse picks the pace up again and has something of a
death metal feel and is more straightforward. Creating more
atmosphere and more symphonic is Raising The Suicide Chalice. Lick
The Wound is memorable for is chorus line and it's continued great
guitar sound. I need to mention that though the drums aren't live
the programming is excellent and sounds as good as most live drummers
I think.

This is a really good album that sticks out for several reasons. One
of course is that it's amazing that a guy who was only a vocalist for
Naglfar played virtually everything contained on this CD. The other
thing that stands out for me is the influence from Thyrfing and
Dissection. I could be wrong, but I think this CD will blow fans of
both those bands away. I forgot to mention, but even the lyrics are
pretty cool and not so short and repeat the same thing like many
bands. On top of that he thanks Dan Swano for "helping me out with
great advices & good deals on musical equipment". So, if all those
good reviews in 99/00 didn't convince you to buy I hope I have now. buy it for just $11
I've never heard it, but have heard countless positive reviews. Is it like Naglfar. I wasn't too fond of Naglfar.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I've never heard it, but have heard countless positive reviews. Is it like Naglfar. I wasn't too fond of Naglfar.

Not only is this review dead on for another kick-ass album, but NAGLFAR kicks ass as well. Don't listen to Dreamlord, Naglfar is too 'pedestrian' for him. :D
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I've never heard it, but have heard countless positive reviews. Is it like Naglfar. I wasn't too fond of Naglfar.

Nope it doesnt soud like Naglfar.
Dead Silent Slumber is at the same time Death/Symphonic metal ,
Naglfar got more a death/black metal approach but i do like their music, Vittra & Diabolical are classic to me.

Well check out "Entombed in the midnight hour", a really good album!
Wow, I never knew so many people liked this album. I guess this just shows who among the underground metal followers know a kickass album when they hear it. A sequel to Entombed in the Midnight Hour will be a challenge to beat the greatness of the debut.
Maybe "In the Glare of the Moon", but truely every song is very good. Thats why this album works as a whole of greatness, every song is good and you don't want the disc to stop. It makes you want more, 39 minutes may be short by todays standard, but most 60 minutes albums get boring faster.
Originally posted by thespectralsorrows
Maybe "In the Glare of the Moon", but truely every song is very good. Thats why this album works as a whole of greatness, every song is good and you don't want the disc to stop.

Agree! In facted after i posted the question i started to listening the album.... and couldnt choose yet. This a whole-album to me, if you understand what i mean... ?