Dead to Self Radio's Matt Smith Interview.

Verbum Lux

Aug 7, 2011
People, if you haven't read this yet, you really should. Very interesting and informative.

And there's one particular part of it that really caught my eye.

Rick/D2S: Is there any chance for some United States touring this year?

MS/Theocracy: There is; we're actually talking about that now. As I mentioned, the U.S. success has been pretty eye-opening this time out and we're hoping we can hit some key cities on a little mini-tour. It's still in the discussion stages, so there's nothing concrete yet, but I really hope it happens. That would be awesome, and I think it's time.

Please have a concert in Northern GA, Northwestern SC, or Southwestern NC!!! I'd soooooo go to one of those!
As if they don't get requested all the time to play certain places. There's no point in asking.

Houston Texas please.
Actually, there kinda is in this case (though generally you are right). Knowing there's a solid base of fans who would buy tickets in a certain state makes the routing decisions more optimal.

Just keep in mind he said "little mini-tour". That's two "small" adjectives.

Haha, I finally saw your small font right before I hit Post ;)
Of course they have to tour America the year I leave the blasted country.
San Diego checking in ;). Seriously though, I would happily drive to LA to go support you guys and see you play! I'm stoked about this idea :).
