dead winter no joke


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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sorry to hear about your gandma. I hate that shit. My grandfather died jan 7 this yr of cancer. He had cancer @ least 5 times before it took him. His wife, my grandmother was just informed she has non hodgkins lymphoma. She, more than likely will not make it.

its shit hey.

Cancer is running wild it seems. im my family anyway. Grandads sis=brain cancer=dead. Grandads brother = lung cancer=dead. Grandads cousin=lung cnacer=dead. my mother = cancer = now ok. My dads brother = brain cancer=dead. My dad skin cancer = ok.

Hey ledmag, thanks for the sentiments, mang. Yeah, cancer is gettin' around these days. The good thing is that the tumors are shrinking and she's still doing well. Completed most of the chemo and still has a lot of her hair, too. This is the only thing she's ever had and she's in her 80s...I'm just thankful (and I know she is too) that she's led such a healthy life this far. Doc says she's got a good 5-10 years with good quality of life, so the spirits are still high.

Thanks again for the well wishes!
your very welcome pal. great hearing the good news. Im glad....

in her 80's, 5 to 10 to go....went thru the chemo, this woman is STRONG.
sorry to all the above. i hate it.

DEAD WINTER>>>>im off to work right now....but i must say, 102 is a long time. My great grand dad went 2 days short of 100. My great grandmother went 94. have a great day.