dead6skin6mask6, hey dude

dead6skin6mask6 said:
hey man. it's going pretty well over here. the band's kicking off, got an excellent girlfriend. live couldn't be better. how are things going down under?
...............last time i was here in oct. of 2003 you were pretty bitter and seemed like things were'nt good...hella glad to here your life is going really good and yer happy:tickled: .......what's yer bands name incase it takes off
buzz said:
...............last time i was here in oct. of 2003 you were pretty bitter and seemed like things were'nt good...hella glad to here your life is going really good and yer happy:tickled: .......what's yer bands name incase it takes off

thanks alot :) i'm alot better. went to the local hosital for a month to get depression therapy. im on Celexa the antidepressant. im doing pretty good. we're called Distorted Mind. we have video and mp3s on:
for this week (starting yesterday. Sunday the 22nd) we are the featured artist on the site. we are currently recording a 3-track demo, and will be recording 3 of our shows coming up from the soundboard, which i will EQ and will eventually sell. we have some big things coming up :) and yep, if you look at the hat that Warrel's wearing in the picture in my sig... that is, indeed, my band's hat

hows it been goin for you?