deadair caught the gay


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
from our aim convo:

indieradioisdead: i sent this to josh
aviroig: i scared
aviroig: er I'm
indieradioisdead: it's not bad
indieradioisdead: it's just funny
aviroig: dude, you totally caught the gay
aviroig: I'm not sure we can be friends anymore
indieradioisdead: ...i understand

and then from seipp:
seipptastic: hey I'm worried about jake
seipptastic: he just sent me the gayest thing, like, ever
well, let's just hope he doesn't grow a sensitive type ponytail that we often see sported by men who take womens studies classes and wear berets.
I just realised that in 1996-7 I had really long hair that sometimes found its way into a ponytail and was taking several Women's Studies classes, because I thought I might minor in it. I didn't have a beret, though!
from last night...

[00:41] sushikids dot nu: oh joshua
[00:41] sushikids dot nu: that is so funny
[00:41] sushikids dot nu: hahahaha
[00:44] sushikids dot nu: wait... is that a strawberry shortcake?
[00:45] seipptastic: you know it!
[00:45] sushikids dot nu: THAT MEANS THAT YOU LOVE ME!
[00:46] seipptastic: yup