Deadliest riffs ever

Blasphemic Bob

Dec 16, 2004
The main open E riff in Creeping Death is so simple but fuckin' deadly at the same time. That riff fuckin' ripps!
But wich riff is the deadliest?

Some references:
-Reign in blood intro riff (after the rain)
-Transylvanian hunger
-Creeping Death open E
-Sarcastic Existence mosh section
-Damage inc middle section
-Ramses bringer of War (after the intro)
1349 - Chasing Dragons: 2:38-3:05
1349 - Beyond The Apocalypse: The entire song, but especially these riffs: 2:04-3:05
1349 - Nekronatalenheten: 2:36-2:50
1349 - Singer Of Strange Songs: ENTIRE FUKKIN' SONG
Mayhem - Pagan Fears main verse riff
Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood
Thousands of more

'cking hell, 1349 - Beyond The Apocalypse is EASILY the best album released in 2004. Incredible stuff.
I too enjoy all the premium old school thrash albums but that riff in that song, more than most in recent memory, makes me want to rip someones face off it's so evil.

The entire album Reigning Blood is one continuous RIPFEST.
Reign in Blood is without question THE most cuntripping riff alster ever. It's hard talkin bout riffs without putting that one out front.
Beneath the Remains is also one of those superb riff destroyers. It's fucin' filled!
Arise is a fuckin' great album with tons of riffs. But it lacks the primitive rawness of the 84-86 thrash. Just think of
- Pleasure to kill
- Beneath...
- Scream Bloody Gore
I mean, it's hard to compare Reign in Blood and south of heaven
besides the obvious Slayer ones ... I absolutely worship Spheres of Madness from DECAPITATED ... aghhhhhhh
Metallica - Disposable heroes WHY am I dying etc = HEADBANGER FUKKYEAH, that track has lots of 'em
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends first riff
aah fuck I won't even try more or I'll either type till death or lose my fingers
Aside from the obvious, Band: Meathook Seed, song: Famine Sector at about 36 seconds in. Makes me smile :D
I'm going to go with the opening riff on "March of the S.O.D." Also very simple, but just the heaviest thing of all time, as far as I'm concerned. By the way, the live version on the SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE reissue is even better.
fotmbm said:
Sounds very deadly judging from that description
oh it is it is :D if you wanna hear it i'll e-mail t to you if you have a yahoo account or something that will allow large file sizes.