Holy Shit, I didn't know about them getting featured with the iPhone 5c. I didn't even know the band back when it came out, haha. But yeah, certainly good for them and like others in this story mentioned it's probably just because of the album cover's color. Although the At the Drive-In feature on the yellow iPhone is kinda suspicious since they seem to be somewhat connected to Rodriguez-Lopez through their Management.
Anyway, thanks for the detailed rundown, that sure was helpful. So if I understood correctly you used different instances of the reverb and different settings on all the instruments?
Here's what I played around with a couple weeks ago:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz4ihorx134fi44/BM_Test.mp3 It's kind of a different feel and the Low-Frequency-Build-up in the Reverb is crazy. Takes like 5 seconds or so to die down.