Dealing with scratchy Vocals ?!


Sep 14, 2008

this is dry, no effects

what should i do to get these vocals better?
I mean this guy is not bad but he always has this "rattling" in his vocals.
I think this only can get better by improving his technique.
What should i tell him to make it better?
Anyone here who had the same problem?

I already tried a multiband-comp. gets better.. but just a lil bit.

thanks guys :Spin:
How does it sound in a mix? A lot of times I simply cannot stand hearing vocals solo'ed but once in a mix, some of the roughness gets masked. It's really all about technique and how good the person is with their voice.
He's fine. Maybe the mixing could use some work (more compression, a bit of EQ and distortion) but I mean, if it's just a case of you not liking his voice, then I doubt it's a matter of technique. You'd be surprised how tame many great vocalists can sound dry.
Dont sound bad imo. If there's a frequency poking out too much in the mix, lower it a bit.