dear alcohol abuser


Dec 21, 2001
when the fuckingt label on the fucking exotic shit I fucking brought back from jamaica says must be refirigerated after opening... do not thrown it on the floor vuz it takes up
"too much space" but store your shitty ass condiments noone has used in 6 years cuz they are shitty. I did not enjoy having to drink the entire bottle in 5 minutes to prevent it getting all weird.


p.s. I feel like I love all of you sdo I'm probably disgustingly drunk so hey my vision is blurringand im 6 qapparentlytpying brtyerr tghan usual

pps congrats ont he promotion greg. you're the fucking best guitaristy who is actually good. iu mean man nmo ego like humble and shit wow fucking WOW

ppps vbnrtyyyyyhhh