Dear Digipacks...


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago

Sure, you look so nice and glossy in the store....

You take up less space in storage.

Then what happens????
Put you in the car or in a travel case of some variety and you scratch, rip, and tear, and then look like a$$.....

Very easy to remedy your frustration.
1.Put the cd in a cd-r case
2.Store the digipack on your shelf in a plastic bag/sleeve.
3.Take ONLY the cd in the CD-R case with you in your car.

I love digi's and that's how i keep them looking like new for years:kickass:
Very easy to remedy your frustration.
1.Put the cd in a cd-r case
2.Store the digipack on your shelf in a plastic bag/sleeve.
3.Take ONLY the cd in the CD-R case with you in your car.

I love digi's and that's how i keep them looking like new for years:kickass:

All good points....
I do have a CD wallet style carrying case that holds like 15 CDs.

Though when you first get a CD, I like carrying the case with me
(For song titles, booklet, liner notes, etc).

I can't do the whole download CD right to MP3 and fully enjoy the CD.

Sure, once I fully absorb the album, I can do that.
Though for CDs I recently acquired, the actual case travels with me for a while.
Or just burn a copy of the disk for use outside of the home, that way you never even have to drag the original package anywhere.

I have copies of 95% of my cd's, specifically so I can just leave the good copies at home.

What I hate are digipaks/books where the disc slides into a cardboard/paper sleeve rather than the glued plastic tray. Talk about potential for scratching it up!
Or just burn a copy of the disk for use outside of the home, that way you never even have to drag the original package anywhere.

True, but then that adds to even more clutter.
This is why I like my MP3 player, to burn the main songs I like to.

I think a solution would be to bite the bullet and purchase an 80 gig MP3 player to load my entire collection to.

Either way, DIGIPACKS = THE "SUCK"!
I'm with you there Jasonic. Though, all my stuff gets beat up pretty bad, digipacks go to hell right away.

And I don't burn things, because well I'm too lazy and don't want to spend all that damn time, nontheless buying CDrs costs some money... however cheap they are these days.
I agree. Sometimes they can be cool, like the new Symphony X, but over all I'd take a jewel case. I especially hate when they are already slightly banged up when you buy them.