Dear Jackass Dorks at My Work:


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
Regardless of the fact that watching all of you pelt each other with paintballs would be a most enjoyable experience, I must admit that I truly do not enjoy receiving 75+ e-mails in one morning about how each of you will be able to "kick the other team's asses" more. Please cease sending e-mail messages regarding such idiotic and unfunny chicanery as they are detrimental to my current volatile state of mind.


uh huh. well, the paintball thing would be semi-amusing with these people, but it's the inane taunting they give each other in the form of now 80+ emails that burns my biscuits.

are you serious? paintball? i don't think i've ever been.
i'd be all up on some iowa auctions, tho. maybe pick up a combine or something.
yeah, probably- if you would take the ppl in this board and put them in the streets of toronto with paintball guns, i bet fun things would enue.
just seeing how long it'd take each of us to get arrested would be fun.
chupe666 said:
yeah, probably- if you would take the ppl in this board and put them in the streets of toronto with paintball guns, i bet fun things would enue.
just seeing how long it'd take each of us to get arrested would be fun.

No matter what happened I'm pretty sure I would win.
The only problem with paintball is that it leaves you only few options... really stifles the creativity of murder... for instance I could not "Paint-gore you with my hands and run away with your Paint-guts hanging from my mouth" ... and lets be honest guys.. is it even worth it if you cant do that. Its like painting with only puse... just dont do it.