dear person who brought in the flourless chocolate torte

since i dont have to work today, i think i am going to make a field trip over to krispy kreme later.

btw, it sucks that i dont have to work. i want $$$
is upstate NY mid-atlantic? yeah, it has to be. we have no such qualms in these parts.

... mainly because we don't allow the heathens to build such establishments. we will not tolerate hardees or roy rogers (aka triggerburgers) within 250 miles of here.

i am an old veteran of many pizza hut ventures, i have to admit.
all fast food is sketchy dudes, but the worst is those taco bells inside gas stations or truck stops n shit. but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
today im gonna do nothing but take walks with my dog and eat. and eat. im so hungry. maybe i better not go with the krispy kreme idea. also, today i should write something im supposed to write, but i probably wont cuz im lazy and i suck.
I have three stories I'm working on today. One on the Great White thing and how it effects North NJs local night club scene.
One on some wicked boring Seniors Helping Seniors program. i thought the dude was gonna die during the interview process.

And I have to go to some stupid American Legion local thing tonight and cover it.

oh yeah

and I don't get paid for this.
i was an intern last semester. i wrote many things unpaid. it was gay. what i am supposed to write today will be (poorly) paid, but is unsolicited, so maybe wont run at all. gay.