dear the_preppy


Sep 12, 2002
dear the_preppy,

today, 2.10.03, is a day that you are on posting fire.

i am almost sad to see it draw to a close, even though you are sealing this wicked golden onslaught of sheer power with a thread lambasting a somewhat peaceful subsect of humanity (the faerie folk). wicked piss-ar.

it was a day in which we saw both blistery fire, helpful hints, and even running to the aid of the unaid-able; i refer all spectators to exhibit A

having said that, i am declaring 2.10 and every 2.10.XX hereafter as national WWPD Day, in honor of this milestone something or other. i'm sure tar and azal will second/third the nomination.
preppy is a good poster.

there are a lot of unread posts on this board. i am not sure where to start, but what i do know is now, 1 am, is not the time.