Dear World,

Greg B.

fuck "M."
Apr 15, 2004
I hereby cordially invite you to park in front of my neighbor's house.


Greg B.
Top three reasons:
01. My neighbor makes thinly veiled threats to any and all persons inquiring about the whereabouts of my home (cleaners in official vans + uniforms, handicapped friends who walked over, etc.)

02. His family stares at all guests. We are talking a "stop playing volleyball and try to bore holes through people" stare. Every time the person comes outside. Even if it's just to get a book from the car.

03. He waited until a day when he had a large friend over and I was limping severely to inform me that the spot in front of his house was reserved for the little car worth a maximum of $500 so he can watch it at night despite his having a driveway (which we don't.)