Dear Xfer Urinary Tract:

Alex, are you by chance taking a potassium supplement or eating something high in potassium like bananas, in the late afternoon or early evening before you go to bed. Reason I ask is that I have mild high blood pressure, and one alternative to prescription med is potassium, because it aids the body in ridding itself of excess water.

(its a catch 22; we're supposed to drink lots of water, but drinking mass quantities of liquids can elevate blood pressure)

I've noticed that if I put off or forget my supplement till after lunch, I'm usually pissing like secretariat in the early eve, and I'm wondering about the time frame involved between digestion and when the mineral is fully having its affect on my body.

undoubtedly Preppy knows more about this than I do but I toss this out on the table as a matter for consideration. Plus it gives me a chance to address the issue of your urinary tract.
you'd piss a lot from a potassium supplement if you were taking it and it were throwing off your acid / alkaline (sodium / potassium) balance and your kidneys were attempting to regulate it.
when you have too much of one or the other the body tries to expel it rather than allow fluid to build up or dehydration of the cells to occur. it's not necessarily bad... but it's sort of useless to take the stuff as over the course of years it'll eventually wear your body out.
heeh. thank you for being conscious of my nephrotic health. i don't take any supplements of any sort, and bananas are arguably my least favourite fruit, so, if anything, i'm potassium-deficient.