Deatcore mix really nice riffs


Jan 7, 2009
Hey guys ! this is my first time posting on the JS forum. i been lurking around some time now and i see this place is a great source of info

so i have this mix i been working around about a week now. and i think is sounding pretty well. but i can really use some other peoples perspectives. let me know yours opinions or if you find something wear or unbalanced.

so thanks in advance.

here is the link : V10.mp3
hey seth thanks for comment. i have a hard time whit this song because the band record the drums without a click in another studio, i have to slip edit the guitars and bass whit the drum kick as reference so what you hear is the best i can get out of it :/ . the vocals are not the best but right now theres no chance to re-track those unfortunately, about the guitars what do you think needs to improve? since i using amp-sims i can do some changes.
I like the guitars. drums are clear, mix is balanced.
The higher screamer is cool

The main vocal sounds a lot like a band my sons played alongside. Yeah if you think it needs a change-up, you could try some effects. I found that EQ' based effects like "telephone" or "dirty amp" something like that - distortion and cutting the bottom, might bring take them to the next level. I used the ones in the Ozone Dope (iZotope)

Edit: Just stumbled on this track, it's indie, has similar vocals and uses effects "Half Hearted....."

PS what is WTB Quantize? mean
The main vocal sounds a lot like a band my sons played alongside. Yeah if you think it needs a change-up, you could try some effects. I found that EQ' based effects like "telephone" or "dirty amp" something like that - distortion and cutting the bottom, might bring take them to the next level. I used the ones in the Ozone Dope (iZotope)

thanks for comment man , actually i send the vox to a distortion plug in. and mixed back whit the original. it really works to make the vox sits in the mix.

i hearing right now whit more fresh hears and i think i maybe overdo the eq in the guitars . maybe they are to scooped idk.

another thing that its driving me crazy are the toms that are making the mix clip in some spots. i have tried compression, limiting,and clipping in the tom buss. bring down the threshold of the limiter of the master in those spots and they are still distorting the mix. hope someone can help whit some tips on this kind of situations.
if you have all the separate drums just quantize the bad kick parts, it would really help everything glu together.

seth how would you go about doing this if you dont have any tempo map or time reference? you edit the kicks to where they sound good or something like that? im working on cubase btw. thanks again for the help man.
OK i see quantize refers to a time base correction. Went to youtube pro tools.

Create click track and and attempt to line it all up? I think if you get the vocals to sit right in the mix and fix your tom issue you are probably good to go for 99% of the population.

What are you using for mastering? I know with the dope Ozone iZotope, which is like the only thing I've used I had to push the levels insanely hard to get that limiter to crack.
sorry man i miss your question about what quantize means in your other post.

creating a click track And edit to that is probably a good idea but.. maybe to time consuming..if it was only this song i probably do it. but is a whole album of 9 songs :ill:

for the mastering im using a eq low passing at 31 hz, a ssl style compressor, and two instances of ozone in a row, each one in clipping mode , character intelligent II, each one whit a threshold of -2.5.
seth how would you go about doing this if you dont have any tempo map or time reference? you edit the kicks to where they sound good or something like that? im working on cubase btw. thanks again for the help man.

sorry, I havent been feeling good lately and I havent been on in a couple of days.

to answer your question, eye ball it. you dont need a grid to sound in time.
robots sound like they are on the grid, humans on the other hand dont.
so use your imperfect human eyes and that will ensure that the imperfect drummer will sound human but in time!
