Mark Osegueda and Ted Aguilar of DEATH ANGEL joined ACT OF DEFIANCE on stage on January 31 at Milk Bar in San Francisco, California to perform a cover version of the MOTÖRHEAD classic "Ace Of Spades" as a tribute to MOTÖRHEAD frontman Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister. Video footage of their appearance can be seen below. ACT OF DEFIANCE is the band featuring former MEGADETH members Shawn Drover (drums) and Chris Broderick (guitar), alongside ex-SCAR THE MARTYR singer Henry Derek Bonner, and SHADOWS FALL's Matt Bachand (bass). ACT OF DEFIANCE's debut album, "Birth And The Burial", was released on August 21, 2015 via Metal Blade Records. The CD recording was split between three studios in three different states: Broderick handled vocal and guitar production at his own Ill-Fated Studio in Los Angeles, Chris "Zeuss" Harris (ROB ZOMBIE, REVOCATION, MUNICIPAL WASTE) worked with Drover tracking the drums in Dexter's Lab in Milford, Connecticut, while Bachand laid down his bass at ManShark, in Southampton, Massachusetts.
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