Death/Black Metal Haul


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
I have been in a Killer Death/Black Metal Kick Lately and part of the reason is that I have enjoyed being on the fringes of both Genress for years without ever really jumping in occured to me that there was So much music out there that I was Missing out on so I have Bought and recieved Many Items which I will list now! A big Thanks goes out to Sinner Rider for helpin increase my Brutal collection!

Heres the Haul!

Die Apokalyptishcen Reiter(Spellin?)
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion kind
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Deicide - The Best of
Morbid Angel - Domination
Night n Gales - ???
Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza
Suffocation - Souls to Deny, and Effigy of the Forgotten/Peirced from within split cd
Thyrfing (Spellin?)- S/T,and Vansinnesvisor
Vehemence - Helping the World to See
Vintersorg - Odemarkens Son (Spellin?)
Im glad you enjoyed the music, like I said percentage of people laugh at the shit!! But I knew you were smarter than that!! Hahahahahhaha!! Thank you for sending all of the Cd's my way! You have increased my collection as well, thanks again!
Sinner Rider said:
Im glad you enjoyed the music, like I said percentage of people laugh at the shit!! But I knew you were smarter than that!! Hahahahahhaha!! Thank you for sending all of the Cd's my way! You have increased my collection as well, thanks again!

Well there always a certain percentage of people in the world that have thier heads stuffed up their asses :D But Thank you for crediting my intellegence hahahahahahahaha You are Very Welcome! Keep an eye on your Mailbox on Wednesday I mailed out more today!
JonnyD said:
I have been in a Killer Death/Black Metal Kick Lately and part of the reason is that I have enjoyed being on the fringes of both Genress for years without ever really jumping in occured to me that there was So much music out there that I was Missing out on so I have Bought and recieved Many Items which I will list now! A big Thanks goes out to Sinner Rider for helpin increase my Brutal collection!

Heres the Haul!

Die Apokalyptishcen Reiter(Spellin?)
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion kind
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Deicide - The Best of
Morbid Angel - Domination
Night n Gales - ???
Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza
Suffocation - Souls to Deny, and Effigy of the Forgotten/Peirced from within split cd
Thyrfing (Spellin?)- S/T,and Vansinnesvisor
Vehemence - Helping the World to See
Vintersorg - Odemarkens Son (Spellin?)
Heyhey, our Jonny is turning into a deathster, huh? :lol: Cool picks, I gotta say. Don't know all of em but enough to know that you'll have fun with your haul. I fucking love that Dummy Burger CD. One mean motherfucker that is, right? I also love the Morbid Angel CD. Very much underrated album by them and by far better than its predecessor and successor(s). Disincarnate is a bit of a mixed experience for me. Music is just great, especially Stench Of Paradise Burning, Deadspawn and Sea Of Tears. But the voice! Ugh, that guy killed the album for me. How's the Deicide best of? Is it worth buying when you own their first two albums and sold/didn't even get everything afterwards? BTW spelling is Die Apokalyptischen Reiter. Means The Apocalyptic Riders.
Thanks for package!!! Its a lot of tunes! Deaths cover of Painkiller is great! Never heard that before, its music to my ears!! Thanks a million, I have a few more to send here in a day or so..
DrillSergeant said:
Heyhey, our Jonny is turning into a deathster, huh? :lol: Cool picks, I gotta say. Don't know all of em but enough to know that you'll have fun with your haul. I fucking love that Dummy Burger CD. One mean motherfucker that is, right? I also love the Morbid Angel CD. Very much underrated album by them and by far better than its predecessor and successor(s). Disincarnate is a bit of a mixed experience for me. Music is just great, especially Stench Of Paradise Burning, Deadspawn and Sea Of Tears. But the voice! Ugh, that guy killed the album for me. How's the Deicide best of? Is it worth buying when you own their first two albums and sold/didn't even get everything afterwards? BTW spelling is Die Apokalyptischen Reiter. Means The Apocalyptic Riders.

The Dimmu is AWSOME as is the Morbid tho I still like Covenant alot but Domi is Great too! I really Love the Disencarnet cd James Murphy is Awsoem ... do I think it was His Best work by all means no but it is great hahahahah The Vox dont bother me to much its Typical Death Metal Vocals hahahah as for Deicide hahahahah Yeah actually its worth getting 20 songs on it! ...... Thanks for the Translation Buddy I figured it was something like that! What a cool band :)
Sinner Rider said:
Thanks for package!!! Its a lot of tunes! Deaths cover of Painkiller is great! Never heard that before, its music to my ears!! Thanks a million, I have a few more to send here in a day or so..

you are ofcourse VERY WELCOME! I love that cover hahahah its Awsome! I knew you would like it too! I might have sent you to much hahahahahah some stuff may get lost in the shuffle hahahahahah ..... Take yer time :) Your Welcome a Million!
MURAI said:
I've liked Death Metal like good old Obituary since I was 17. I never really got into black metal.

Obituary is awesome. Cause of Death is a great album along with Slowly We Rot!
I've never really liked black metal, but Vintersorg is awesome! Cosmic Genesis is an amazing album. Some death metal I do like, just saw Cannibal Corpse last nite, they sound good live, it was a pretty cool show :)
JonnyD said:
The Dimmu is AWSOME as is the Morbid tho I still like Covenant alot but Domi is Great too! I really Love the Disencarnet cd James Murphy is Awsoem ... do I think it was His Best work by all means no but it is great hahahahah The Vox dont bother me to much its Typical Death Metal Vocals hahahah as for Deicide hahahahah Yeah actually its worth getting 20 songs on it! ...... Thanks for the Translation Buddy I figured it was something like that! What a cool band :)
Didn't say the Covenant album was bad. Just mentioned that many people credit it way more than it deserves and at the same time forget about the true gem Domination is. Of course, MA's best works are and will probably always be their first two albums.
You're so perfectly right about the Disincarnate singer. He's so typical! And that's why I don't like him. There's nothing special about him. I mean, how many more of these sore-throat-vocals can the world take when we already have masters like David Vincent, John Tardy and Brett Hoffmann?
Just checked the tracklist for the Deicide best of. Gee, track 1-9 are taken from their first two albums! Can the rest of the tracks live up to the first half? I'm not sure whether to get it or not but I figure it would be a good way to complete my collection with the essentials as I've never been the biggest Deicide maniac in the world.