Metalocalypse is a fifteen-minute animated comedy on Adult Swim, created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha. The series was originally pitched as "Deathclock," but could not be used due to an existing copyright, so the show and the main characters were then renamed to "Dethklok." The show's title was then extended to "Death Clock Metalocalypse," although the starring band still retained the name Dethklok. However, due to the extra complicatedness, the crew has now shortened the title to simply "Metalocalypse," which is where it stands right now.
According to co-creator Brendon Small, "The show is basically about a (half-American/half Norwegian) metal band that is about a million times bigger than the Beatles. But a million times more dangerous and a millions times more stupid. This show promises violent murder. Violent violent murder. And metal."
It's on at 11:45PM on Sundays, on the Cartoon Network.
According to co-creator Brendon Small, "The show is basically about a (half-American/half Norwegian) metal band that is about a million times bigger than the Beatles. But a million times more dangerous and a millions times more stupid. This show promises violent murder. Violent violent murder. And metal."
It's on at 11:45PM on Sundays, on the Cartoon Network.