Death/Control Denied forums!

Cool, American Alexi, I asked Steve Digiorgio, if he knew about this, and he did not. He says thanks & he's going to check it out through your link...............................:)

Hi, Metal Mom, saw you & Darin in L.A., At The Hellfest, you had a good spot for Exodus, considering the situation, see ya soon!
Hi Deadly Embrace! I saw you at Hellfest, just couldn't get close enough to do more than wave. It was a good gathering of cool bands, just a poor stage set-up! Seemed to be a good turn out for the event!

We'll probably drive up for the Exodus/Dragonlord show at The Pound on May4th and will certainly attend the Exodus show at The Keyclub on May 9th. Hope to see you at both shows!

Give our love to Chuck, Tiffany and Cody. I hope Chuck is feeling good these days!

its about time...i'm Demonize in the Death/Control Denied forum. I'll see all you death fans from Testament Legions there
Same here...about a week ago I registered and it was all fine until a day or two ago. They may be having problems with it.

"I am one of many that see through your lies, hiding will do you no good many seek revenge" -Evil Chuck Schuldiner-