Death in Fire


Feb 16, 2008
I just cant stand still while listening to this song ! I have never listened such a kickass song its just amazzinng....what about you guys think of it ?
It is fucking killer.
And I am now laughing at the concept of GFAD windmilling with his emo hair....
And I'm done.
Killer. Fucking. Song.
Intro is amazingly epic, it's a fantastic live song, and the main reason I wish Versus had a cleaner production, as the muddy sound makes the intro less epic than it could be.
Great live, but I don't understand why they used to end with it - it's so energetic, if they ended with it I would be ready to fucking riot.
Same with mine; it is frizzy right now but will straighten itself out as it gets longer...

Besides, I have an AK47, so the hair can do as it pleases.
First time i heard that song was the day Versus The World came out in Europe. I was in Norway and got the cd straight away. Couldnt have asked for a better opening track & introduction to the cd, but it isnt in my top 10. Still fucking unreal though.
The windmill headbanging is a good way to dry one's hair if no one else is nearby (who does not mind getting wet) on account of the centripetal force induced upon the water.
I remember windmilling back in the late 80s early 90s. It was always a bitch to get a comb through your hair the next day. Not quite as bad as the tangles you would get from driving a motorcycle but still pretty bad.
Windmilling is a fantastic way to dry hair as long as you don't mind soaking the entire surrounding area.
This is a thorough lie.

You hate black metal, don't like soccer, and don't like windmilling.

Is there anything you don't fucking fail at?

Who said I hate Black Metal? I just hate some mediocre Black Metal, not melodic Black Metal bands like Dimmu Borgir, Limbonic Art, and Finntroll.

BTW not liking soccer=suceeding. And I just don't like the synchronized windmilling. Windmilling as a form of normal headbanging isn't band.
Never played one, though I was president of the math club for 3 years. Thus reveals my nature:
