Death Machine question

Hey dude,

Thanks for your interest. You simply have to go to the Death Machine website at and follow the directions from there. The mailing address will be on there and we tend to get the discs out pretty quickly.

Good luck and hope you enjoy the music,
Thanks so much man for the intrest and heres the info how to get your Death Machine CD.

Send $12.00 (and that includes shipping) to

Jasun Tipton
5050 Carducci Dr
Pleasanton Ca 94588

Please make check out to Jasun Tipton,

Thank you again,
Any chance of getting paypal or something so us overseas fans can pay by credit card?

It costs a freakin' fortune for to get an international money order, not to mention my impatience of waiting to get the disc in the mail...:D
We don't have paypal yet and might have it soon but then again this might go on a label as well. We have been talking numbers with labels, so we'll see.

YOU RULE MAN and thanks for the intrest.
Yeah that would be fine,

You can send a check for $12.00 to,

Jasun Tipton
5050 Carducci Dr
Pleasanton Ca 94588

Thanks for the intrest and have a great day.