Death Machine Question!!!!


Aug 13, 2002
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i DOWNLoaded the song and i really dig it BUT I don't know if you could classify that as death metal ..more like a heavier progressive type deal -

help? so what exactly is it? :erk:

iluvicedearth said:
i DOWNLoaded the song and i really dig it BUT I don't know if you could classify that as death metal ..more like a heavier progressive type deal -

help? so what exactly is it? :erk:


How about progcore? :Spin:

I don't really know what to label it either. I'm horrible at pigeonholing, I mean labelling, music. ;)

Yeah I hate trying to put music into a category.............I just call it killer fucking music!!!! Makes me just want to pound my face into a wall!! So if I were to categorize it I would put it in the Classical Music Category. It is just beautiful.........hehe

Bob "Buddah"
CLASSICAL music yeah that is sure to scare some people when they go to listen to it and WHAM! SURPRISE! no classical found here! but then does have some parts that are beautiful..confused here lol. oh well:loco:

Thanks my brutha, that was killer funny!
Actually I figured it out, I would say they are a total clone of Air Supply only diffrent.........LOL
Air Supply also makes me want to pound my face into a wall.............but I think for a different reason..........:tickled:

Bob "Buddah"
I'm all outta love.....I'm so lost without you..............:yell:

I have soo doomed myself, that shit has been in my head since my post earlier.............DAMN IT!!! May it get stuck in all your heads tooo.

DM is all Thraked up!!! LOL thats good shit.

Here is some funny ass DM trivia that I wish would have come. Tro had told me they were thinking of doing a Brittney Spears cover DM style........god damn that would have ruled!! And been funny as hell.

Bob "Buddah"
NO SHIT? which Brittney Spears song? oops I did HIM again :loco:......i mean oops i did it again:D

Hey I have 867 5309 eeeeeeiiiinnnn stuck in my head. I heard it over the weekend and it wont leave my head:ill:
I am a huge Crimson fan, saw them two months ago and they were absolutely incredible, and Power To Believe is a stunning album. Unfortunately, in a recent diary entry on DGM, Fripp has discussed "letting go", i.e. disbanding KC at least temporarily...