Death Metal Band EP

Sounds awesome! My only suggestions would be to bring down the snare a touch in the fast parts (like 1 db,) and make the lows a little more aggressive ( a touch of distortion). But I am only listing on my crappy headphones.
The drummer, who is also the vocalist, was insisting on a very present snare so I slapped a Compressor/Limiter on so it stands out through most parts.

Different strokes for different folks.

There's many things I would have done different but the band and "band leader" were very insistant on doing what they want and not what is best from the audio engineering standpoint.

No editing other than the kick drum on a few spots mostly because it was recorded using his DM5 triggered on 2 kick drums which I had to fix the double triggering and replaced with a Slate Sample.....

Using a BBE Sonic Maximizer with the Guitar Amp.....

Barely any reverb.....