Death Metal band in tour bus crash.

that sucks. I have heard of All Shall Perish. Apparently it was The Red Shores vocalist and driver/merch guy that died. rip.
It's a sad truth that on tour when you're road tripping it everywhere that to make shows happen you have to do crazy driving stints. I did six weeks on the road from Cairns to Melbourne and we had tons of nights where we'd finish a show, load up the trailer/band van and drive overnight to the next city to basically arrive and start setting up again.

It's fucked and shouldn't have to be like that, but it happens, and will continue to happen unfortunately. Apparently this guy was the only driver, which is bad. We at least could rotate if we needed to.

But's tragic when shit like this happens in music. And it was especially shocking when i heard it because of what I said above. I've recently DONE that sort of driving stint over many many's sort of count your blessings times when you think back on how many times we drove to near exhaustion just to make shows.
That sucks. I've done that trip non-stop a few times, and there's no way I'd do it in a minibus loaded with people without anyone to share the driving.
I worked it out since this occurred that these poor buggers probably hit the road to Sydney right after loading out straight after the gig. Coffs is about halfway, and it happened just after 7 so they'd most likely come off stage, loaded out and left about 2 when the show had wound down. The band was most likely asleep when it happened.