Death Metal Clip...I guess


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Cheers guys

Been working on this short clip for a bit now to have something death metalish in my audio samples
Tried a bit of new stuff out on that bass, new drum samples, different guitar sounds and some vocal techniques I havent really tried before.
I'm generally not in a good vocal shape right now because I neglected them a bit in favor of mixing and guitar playing, so I gotta work a bit more on them, but anyway for now its enough I guess
First time I tried that kind of blackish high vocals too

tell me what you think and if this is even death metal :lol:
Im not listening to a lot of it, so I may have a strange perception regarding it ;)

lyrics are made by the lyrics generator someone posted a bit back
I don think that they are understandable anyway but just in case someone should think he got a bit and its strange ;)
That's DM. And a fucking great guitar sound. Do you want to tell something about it? :)

I never heard of a lyric generator :D have to google it..are there also riff generators? :lol:
Fette Scheiße! Sounds massive as fuck. The snare and toms sounding a bit dull at the short breaks, but it´s working good in context. Vocals are awesome.
Any more infos? Real guits, ampsim, drumsamples?
holy shit dude you're vocals are fucking SICK! You need to record a full album of this stuff! Absolutely killer, I'm loving everything, the "machinegun-ness" of the drums fits perfectly IMO. I think I'm just gonna listen to this several times in a row until you record something else haahha
This is awesome :headbang: I dont hear a lot of death metal but this is really good. Those pinch harmonics are great and the mix is killer :kickass:
Thanks a lot for the nice words guys, glad you like it!
I'm off to rehearsal room and a bdayparty now, but Im taking a look at the session tomorrow and answer detailed on every question and comment!
I'm really digging it, would be interrested on some info on your complete guitar chain. Also... lyrics generator? Damn that would be awesome for me to lay down "vocal shit-tracks" on some of my unreleased stuff.
So here we go, wrote down some notes but first of all

it's never an ampsim...but if it is..i'll eat my real amp :S
Mahlzeit ;)

That's DM. And a fucking great guitar sound. Do you want to tell something about it? :)

I never heard of a lyric generator :D have to google it..are there also riff generators? :lol:
........jesus.....Guitar Chain Please haha!
I'm really digging it, would be interrested on some info on your complete guitar chain. Also... lyrics generator? Damn that would be awesome for me to lay down "vocal shit-tracks" on some of my unreleased stuff.
Fette Scheiße! Sounds massive as fuck. The snare and toms sounding a bit dull at the short breaks, but it´s working good in context. Vocals are awesome.
Any more infos? Real guits, ampsim, drumsamples?

Thanks for the comments again guys and verifying that I can label it as DM :D.
agreed on the snare and toms part MetalMiller, but I didnt feel like automating it and as you said it works in the context, so maybe a bit of high boost on the solo part would be enough.

Here's the link to the lyric generator first of all

and my notes about guitars, kick and snare

Kick: LSD & SSD
Alestorm, Svartsot, Slate Custom Kick
Built a custom kcik in seperate session, each single kick processed differently
Also EQed in the mix too
Also downtuned slate room sounds of kicks in there (just take the ones you like most and play with the pitch)

Snare: SD2, LSD & SSD
Samples blended in 70%
SD2 Snare = Metal Foundry 7x14'' Thomas Haake Custom
each channel Eq'ed and compressed differently in SD2, also on bus a bit of compression
Trigger (70%) with Slate: ACSnare Z1, Snare13 Z1. LSD:LSDSn5c+P
Bit of Eq on the snare in mix session as well as a bit processing through an envolope shaper
Same samples for blasts, but with 55% samples.
also a bit of different eq for the blasts and no compression/envolope shaper on those
Reverb on the snare + Snare room sound from the SD2 Avatar kit
More room then reverb though

Quadtracked with this Chain:
Main Pair (100L/100R) Me - Jazz III - Ibanez Sz520 w/Stock Pickups - Focusrite SaffireLE - TS808 (o clock Drive 9, Tone 12, Level 3) - X50 (KT88 Red Channel, Low 7 Mid 1.5 High 6.5 Low End 7 Presence 8) - LeCab w/ASEM Beta imupulse & Orange_2mics impulse (the one from fearcomplexmusic)

Support Pair (90L/90R, ~ -2.5dB) Me - Jazz III - Ibanez Sz520 w/Stock Pickups - Focusrite SaffireLE - Amplitube3 (Overscream pedal (o clock Drive 9, Tone 12, Level 3), British Tube Lead 2 (Bass 6 Middle 7 High 10 Presence 3), Cab sim turned off) - LeCab w/ASEM Beta imupulse & Orange_2mics (the one from fearcomplexmusic)

A bit of Eq to bring out a bit more air, HP/LP, Saturation (ever since you gave me this tip I use it on ampsims Nuno, thanks! :) )
Tweaked the sims to not need much eq, but somehow I always end up dialing less highs in the sims and
boosting brightness with a shelf...sounds better to me.
That would be amazing! lol. Sounds massive dude, those guitars are chunky as fuck! And your vocals sound just fine hehe.

Thanks man, yeah riff generator would truly be a blessing too haha

Nice job man, like the song ! Brutal as hell :)

Cheers Widek! :headbang:

Whatever metal it is, it sounds great! Just make an album now lol. :)

I dunno if I'd be able to do an album worthwhile of nice songs without getting cliché and boring, but if Ill ever do something in that direction I'll let you know ;)

Nice Marco!!

The voice awesome as always and love the snare, LOVE IT! hehehe

Nice playing and sounding clip, congrats bro!

Cheers Tris, thanks man!

holy shit dude you're vocals are fucking SICK! You need to record a full album of this stuff! Absolutely killer, I'm loving everything, the "machinegun-ness" of the drums fits perfectly IMO. I think I'm just gonna listen to this several times in a row until you record something else haahha

Hehe thanks man...again, I dunno if I'd be able to deliver good quality stuff worhwhile a full album, without getting repetitive or boring... its really not my style of music, and I spent the most time "writing" with the drums, and more or less just jammed to the with the guitars^^
But whenever I'm stuck with my band stuff and need to loosen things up a bit I'll see if I can create more in that direction...I allready have to mixing template so it could get a bit faster then my usual writing velocity :lol:
But Ill see if I can get even one decent song done...what's the average DM song lenght?
Thanks to the lyric generator I wouldnt even need to write lyrics, which usually also takes a huge part of my time :lol:

This is awesome :headbang: I dont hear a lot of death metal but this is really good. Those pinch harmonics are great and the mix is killer :kickass:

Cheers Nuno, nice to see you around :)
I think I even listen to less Death metal than you do tbh haha
Yeah the Ibanez in Bb Standard screams like a bitch if you want those pinches to scream ;)
Overall it's a bit annoying that this mix turned out so nicely (mostly because eveything fits the style and together very well tho) because I don't really care about DM as much as I do with "my" music, so I spent a LOT less time on it...was more experimenting then anything else

and you're complaining your voice isn't 100% yet?

you're fucking nuts bro ... sounds KILLER

Thanks my friend, an I see were you are coming from Carlos, but you have no idea how hard it was compared to other stuff I did to get his done. I needed to concentrate a LOT more on breathing then usual, so I really need to practice it more. Also whenever I'll fuck up a part and have too much force/pressure I'll fuck up my throat for the upcoming 30mins, which didnt happen to me for a LONG time.
Dunno, maybe it's because I started smoking again or I put too much pressure on myself...I guess its more head then anything. Or my diet fucks with the br00talz because I lost 4 kg :lol:

On a sidenote: the high blackish stuff is quite funny, I dont even recognize myself, its the ones that I like least but the ones to do the easiest for me. Nailed them on first takes haha

Also recorded the vocals quite sloppish, no damping the room so its a lot of roomsound on there + cranked monitors instead of headphones.
Also a thing that annoys me, its a lot harder with headphones all of the sudden then before.
But I'll get in shape again for the next band stuff thingies :headbang:
That was pretty awesome, becomes great after about 30 seconds. The vocals are amazing and the production is really on point. Sounds very professional overall.
That was pretty awesome, becomes great after about 30 seconds. The vocals are amazing and the production is really on point. Sounds very professional overall.

Wow thanks a lot, glad to hear that!

Danke sehr! :popcorn:

for years i tried to let a sim sound like a real i try to get my real amp sound like your sim....God moves in mysterious ways :loco:

I think the advantage why the ampsims work quite good in that one is because the guitars aren't the main focus in the mix, I mixed bass and vocals more upfront. Normally ampsims don't work that good for (my) mixes were the guitars are more upfront.
With guitars it's mostly about the context to make them sound great :)

Yeah, this sounds pretty rad, man. Vocals are nice.

Thanks man!