Death Metal clip...

guitar tone needs lots of work, it sounds really wimpy to me. did you just duplicate one take and move it slightly off time with the other one and pan them hard? since i'm not sure how you recorded them, i'm not sure how to help you. but i would say if you miced an amp, i would experiment more with mic placement to get a better sound. tell me all the details on the guitar.

as far as drums, the snare and kick need more attack and presence. bring them up in the mix more. all the drums sound like they are too far in the background, you want the drums (but not necessarily the cymbals) more in your face.
guitars are L6 BB from Toneport with Kjarhaus (???) EQ and BBE SonicMaximalizer
Drums are AD with my own preset but I exported and imported as a wave track the kick and snare and played with te EQ.

Thnx for comment - what should I correct?
well, guitar wise i would say maybe try some other guitar amp modeling software like revalver or something. personally i think anything line 6 makes is total crap, so i can't help you there. also ditch the bbe, it really messes up the sound as far as recording wise. just try your guitar right into the preamp into a guitar amp modeling vst plugin. or try actually micing a real tube amp with a shure sm57.

for drums, try some different samples, there's tons of great samples on this forum if you search around a bit. they should need pretty much no eq. in fact it's a pretty good rule of thumb to try not to use ANY eq unless you have to. and if you do, use it very sparingly, especially with already processed samples.