Death Metal Mix Feedback...?

Aug 6, 2006
I'd love some feedback on the overall mix of this song. Just scratch tracks and a few notes off here or there but more or less looking for feedback on the mix.

6 String Jackson (Christian Olde Wolbers) tuned to Drop B
Daw = Reaper
Guitars = EZMix
I didn't want to tune my bass down so there's a bass track on here played with one string on my guitar EQed different than the guitar tracks

I have a Hi and Lo Pass filer on the guitars as well as notching out a couple frequencies and the Sneap C4 using RealXcomp. I did a little "mastering" using EZMix as well as some EQ.

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Reactions: Alex M
i realize this is rather late but here goes
guitars seem pretty good, tone definitely suits the tuning a lot
snares have really trebly transients - very harsh, too much attack. maybe try compressing with fairly fast attack to deal with that, or using a multiband compressor on the harsher parts