Death Metal Mix Question


Jordan Guthrie
Jan 22, 2011
Oklahoma, US
Hey guys, I'm having some trouble getting vocals to cut through the mix without sounding totally overbearing. Are there any general tips to help growled vocals sound better in the mix?

Here's a clip as an example (the vocals are pretty terrible, but I'm not a vocalist so it's the best I can do :p)

Thanks for any help! :)

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Try to find the "presence" part of the spectrum with an eq. Remove a few db's at that spot from the other tracks. This will now in turn affect the other tracks though. It is very good practice to figure out where things are going to sit before you even press record. Then remove some junk from the vocal, you would probably be surprised how little low end is in a lot of vocal tracks. This type of vocal would most likely benefit from tons of compression and limiting. A touch of saturation or distortion can also help the ear find the vocals easier in the mix. Hope this helps.