Death metal song (by 16 year old)

I have no idea what you used for drums, but my advice would be to try something else. They sound extremely robotic and VERY thin. Guitar tone is pretty muffled, I'm guessing it's an amp sim. Also, the lack of bass makes critiquing guitar tones near impossible.
I have no idea what you used for drums, but my advice would be to try something else. They sound extremely robotic and VERY thin. Guitar tone is pretty muffled, I'm guessing it's an amp sim. Also, the lack of bass makes critiquing guitar tones near impossible.

Thanks for the feedback! What would you Reccomend for drums? And any other tips on how to improve?
Stuff like Slate samples, SD2, EZX Metal Machine would sound much better than what you have currently. Ermz wrote a very useful guide for working EQ into distorted guitars, maybe give it a read. Reference as much as you can.
Stuff like Slate samples, SD2, EZX Metal Machine would sound much better than what you have currently. Ermz wrote a very useful guide for working EQ into distorted guitars, maybe give it a read. Reference as much as you can.

Okay I'll check out those samples. Where can I find the eq write up?
I like the song itself and the playing, all you need is some better production quality