A little competition is healthy thing and only adds to the excitement that day of the festival. You can still catch Queensryche after DEATHRIDERS since they will still be on for an entire hour. Gamma Ray vs. Metal Church. Now thats a tough one. I would try to catch a bit of both. Yes DEATHRIDERS will have some killer merch.
Craig fae Glasgow said:
Excellent. Hopefully the new album will be out by then.
That would be great, but the new album is still being worked on. The new songs are killer though. Some of the best songs I've ever heard. Much heavier than Threatcon Delta and more progressive.
Hi guys!

Just wanted to drop by and thank you for an amazing fucking gig!

Me and my friend had a chat with you after the gig, and I got a signed drum stick.

I also offered you guys some "Snus" (swedish tobacco), but only your bassplayer wanted to try it. :p

Well.. Enough with the shitchat.

As I said, it was a great show, and I hope to see you guys in Sweden again!

/ Jonas, The ugly ass lead singer in Radiation :headbang: