Death Sentence in Nigeria, HELP


May 25, 2002
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The Nigerian Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence for Amina Lawal. Please sign the petition.

The Nigerian Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence for Amina Lawal, condemned for the crime of adultery on August 19th 2002, to be buried up to her neck and stoned to death. Her death was postponed so that she could continue to nurse her baby. Hearing on her Execution is now set for 27 AUGUST 2003.

If you haven't been following this case, you might like to know that Amina's baby is regarded as the 'evidence' of her adultery. Amina's case is being handled by the Spanish branch of Amnesty International, which is attempting to put together enough signatures to make the Nigerian government rescind the death sentence. A similar campaign saved another Nigerian woman, Safiya, condemned in similar circumstances. By March 4th the petition had amassed over 2,600,000 signatures. It will only take you a few seconds to sign Amnesty's online petition. Please sign the petition now, then copy this message into a new email and send it to everyone in your address book.

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What would signing a petition do? Tell them there's a couple hundred people in America that don't agree with their societys agreed up decided upon system of law?
jdelpi said:
The law is supposedly based on Islam.

I did not know that. You'd think they would have a more moderate and mixed view on things with people basically half Muslim and half Christian. There's some fucked upo people in the world. What happens to the guys who cheat? Nothing?

Although I'd like to bury and stone some people including various neighbors of mine, certain musicians, most politicians, some TV personalities, etc. I still realize it's probably going to be a stupid, bad thing!! These people need to hear some Anthrax to open up their minds a little.
what a fucking horrible thing to do, bury her up to the neck and stone her to death. who the hell thinks of things like this??!?

: Amina confessed to having had a child while divorced. Pregnancy outside
: of marriage constitutes sufficient evidence for a woman to be convicted of
: adultery according to the new Shari'ah-based penal code for Muslims,
: introduced in Katsina state.

First of all she didn't cheat on any man, wtf is this??

: The man named as the father of her baby girl reportedly
: denied having sex with her and his statement was enough
: for the charges against him to be discontinued.

oh, this is fair.

one fucking sick "justice" system they have there..............
Ragamuffin said:
What would signing a petition do? Tell them there's a couple hundred people in America that don't agree with their societys agreed up decided upon system of law?

......the signature can help save her life, thats what it can do. And maybe in the long run show those people that what they are doing is outdated and doesnt work in today's world.
I get visits from Allah when I´m drunk or stoned and he always nags about how "All women are whores and you must punish them." It´s getting annoying... fuck you Allah... BTW WHO`S YOUR DADDY?