Deathcore/Prog Song Mixing Help


New Metal Member
May 5, 2011
Heya guys I am wanting some general help on getting this mix to sounding better... much better. I'm a bit of an amateur tbh and I really need some good hard professional advice and this forum is the best for that by far :D Aeolist Part 2 V2.1 (Rough).mp3?w=fc4f95cc

This started out as a really rough track for our singer to try out parts on (it was recorded on the night of his second practice with us) and the vocals were recorded using a crappy behringer £15 mic.
At the time because I wasn't thinking that this would be a proper recording so I recorded the guitars using just my standard live peavey 5150 setting but last night I tried getting a better tone for the recording. Because this song sounds most like it than anything else I like that sounds any good recording wise I was going for The mix of The Contortionists song 'Primal Directive' (look below) which at the start has a small section of single guitar track which I was trying to emulate using the axe-fx ultra using a tube screamer into the engl powerball (simulations) which is in the first 8 seconds of my track. I ended up doing a lot of eqing in the axe-fx and after in cubase.
I know the bass sounds shit I literally got up the ampeg amp sim and plugged it in cos time was of the essence at that moment.
The drums are all sequenced using superior 2.0 and the metal foundry.

The Gear I'm using is:
Ibanez RG2228 8 string guitar and Ibanez sr506 6 string bass
Axe-fx Ultra (guitars+bass)
iMac 27" 3.2ghz
Edirol UA-25 soundcard
Yamaha Monitors
Cubase 6
Izotope Ozone for mastering.
a few other cubase plug ins.

Ok so I'm trying to get a mix as close to this song as possible. Primal Directive.mp3?w=781f1d00

So I would love as much advice as possible in as much detail as you can. If there is anything you would like me to say about the mix at the moment go ahead and ask.

If I can get this mix even 3/4 as good as that the contortionists mix I will probably cry with joy :cry: ... so much joy :D
Ok well is there another place or forum or something which might be able to give me some help?