Deathmetal Websites


New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2003
Hey, i'm really into death metal, and have been for long time, but one things is preventing me from liking it more. The lack in availabillity of deat metal merchandise. It isn't really popular on the streets, you just got little kids runnin round with nu-metal hoodies and shit :ill: . I was wondering if anyone knew any sites, preferbly uk, where i could get some cds and stuff.....if so thans alot :)
just a thought, if you were into metal for such a long time you should already know where to get your stuff... =\

but try ebay or check out the label sites and stuff... not sure about anything in uk though =\
Blah, mead is with sugar in it or some shit. I get enough sleaze and sugar from drinking kiwi apertif with the Sultan...
Man, two hellish days these ones! Got a R E A L L Y strong and sweet red wine from a friend coming from Sicilia! Not a single chance for the mead to challenge with it!!!
Lance said:
Hey, i'm really into death metal, and have been for long time, but one things is preventing me from liking it more. The lack in availabillity of deat metal merchandise. It isn't really popular on the streets, you just got little kids runnin round with nu-metal hoodies and shit :ill: . I was wondering if anyone knew any sites, preferbly uk, where i could get some cds and stuff.....if so thans alot :)

We got the winner with this one for the October's most ...........(fill in the blanks) post.