Debating b/t Metal Foundry vs Steven Slate EX


Apr 19, 2010

I've dealt with a few different VSTi Drums, Addictive and Superior mainly. I've really been diving into Superior a lot lately. I've gotten close to getting a better sound out of it, but no matter what I do, it seems as though something is missing. I know a couple people who use Slate, and love it. And from what Ive heard, i really dig it as well, so I'm very interested in it, but wish there was a free trial i could test out. Since there's not, I'm debating between getting The Metal Foundry Expansion for Superior, or trying out Steven Slate's EX version.

My concerns are as follows: Im honestly, kind of concerned that all this time that I have invested into mixing drums as a whole and separately, will kind of get thrown away, because I keep hearing how Slate is kind of a "finished" product. And also, Metal Foundry will also just add on to my previous purchased software, which is a plus for that side of my decision. I really would like to know some HONEST opinions (because it being on a Slate forum, I'm sure there is some serious bias lol) about this debate I am having.

I usually would post something like this on a neutral forum, but here's some info I was also hoping to gather, which is why I chose to go here...

I see what kits that the EX comes with, but with me never using any Slate software, it means absolutely nothing to me. Does anyone have some GUI screenshots of the layout? With Superior, the cymbal placement is pretty much locked into place, which isn't my particular preferred placement on some items. I think MF Expansion would help with that, but was also wondering how Slates placement was, and freedom of change in that (Without losing the purity of the sound by digitally changing panning away from the mic'd system)

I just really hope to gather some more details specs and info on the differences, and how well the EX version of Slate is (because I cannot afford Platinum, and probably won't use more than half of the kits in that version)

Thanks in advance,
Actually, i should probably post this in Production tips. I don't know how to delete this thread in here though. I'm sorry if it didn't belong in here, i will go ahead and post it there, and try and figure out how to delete this one
i would NOT hesitate and buy metal foundry today m8 (have you not considered Baressi`s evil drums??), with x-drums you can get some awesome kits together mixing it up with the avatar..
i own Slate platinum 3.5 but rarely use it these days... occasionally for kicks but i could live without it, too processed for my liking...
just my $0.02 ;)
Beressis Evil Drums SDX? i have actually never heard of it until now.

I understand the x drums concept. Heres something that frustrates me as of now. Both chinas i like are in placements i do not like. Big china is on left, i use it on right, so panning is opposite :( and small china i like is on the right of my right crash, i use it between my crashes :( how do i fix this panning, without intruding the purity of the mic set up that is on it? i mean, i can create an x drum yes, but all the cymbals are going through Overheads, so i do not now how to maneuver a cymbals panning.... ive tried doing it on the tracks, but if its a hard left default panning, and i try fixing it to the right, it just goes silent :/
please elaborate why you like this so much better? Keep in mind, i am a metal focused engineer. Yes I am open to all projects, and actually do experiment with many other styles, but my majority deals with different forms of metal
no i have not, i will look at it now.

looking over what comes in the Baressi SDX, it has a limitation of cymbals imo, mainly because of my metal foundation. Im mainly looking for a new software with cymbals and snare. Preferrably one that can do both.

here's what my mix sounds like as of now, you may see why i say something just doesn't sound right. Please take a listen and it may help with this discussion

Thanks again for the replies and discussion