DEBRIS-The Lost E.P. 2003


Debris-The Lost E.P. 2003

Independently Released

Debris is a four piece, based out of Boston, MA who’s sound, musically is reminiscent of Prong meets Helmet in a back alley of a bar for face crushing brawl. The songs are all constructed around a pummeling rhythm or a blistering guitar riff, which works for build a memorable tune. Debris have succeeded in putting all their favorable material, or at least the stuff with vigor on this release. With six songs on this E.P. it gives you a great sampling of what the band is about The only department that Debris is lacking in is in with their vocalist. Their singer sounds very common, and you could compare him with the majority of the Nu-Metal singers in the 2000's, Don’t get me wrong, he’s good, he’s just not doing anything that sets him apart from the pack. This release was originally issued in 2003, so there’s room for growth between then & now. I imagine, the band has improved in all areas & would welcome a chance to listening to what they might have up their sleeve next.


The Music-
1. Thru This
2. Stuck Inside
3. More Like Me
4. Snowballed
5. Circle
6. Payback