Decapitated drummer dead at 23


Apr 7, 2005
Rest in Peace dude

Drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka of the Polish extreme metal band DECAPITATED passed away in a Russian hospital from injuries sustained in a recent road collision. He was 23 years old.

Vitek and DECAPITATED singer Covan (real name: Adrian Kowanek) were injured in an accident earlier in the week involving DECAPITATED's tour bus and a truck carrying wood in Gomel, on the Russia/Belarus border. Both musicians reportedly sustained serious head injuries in the collision, which is believed to have been the fault of the band's driver (although this has not yet been officially confirmed).

According to the Polish Internet portal, Vitek underwent trepanation, a form of surgery in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull, and was due to be transported to a hospital in Krakow, Poland for further treatment.

Covan's family released a statement yesterday (Thursday, November 1) that the vocalist's condition had improved. At the time, the vocalist was still said to be at a hospital in Novozybkov, Russia, where he and Vitek were taken following the accident.

Was a huge fan of these guys a while ago, respect goes out to his family.
Dear God...

I've seen this drummer twice in a live atmosphere. Now he's dead. This is very sad...

My deepest sympathies for the band and his family.
Vitek died at 23 and that is how old I am now. Always was a fan of this band. I dont know what to say, only this is a loss.
thats terrible news, the poor guy. I saw them live a few months back, he played his skins well. Gotta feel for his family. RIP.
This is quite a tragedy for many, I'm sure. My condolences to his family and friends. This is another reminder of what a fragile and unique condition life is and how we should make the most of it while we have the chance. RIP.
Fucking fuck. I only saw them live a couple of months ago. Vitek was a fucking awesome drummer, and Organic Hallucinosis is one of my favorite metal albums of the last couple of years. My condolences go out to the band, his family and friends.

R.I.P. :(